During my twenties, there were two things I did a lot of: selling books and chasing girls.
I was very good at the former and really, really bad at the latter. But that's another story for another time.
From around age 19 until I hit 30, I spent a lot of time in bookstores. During this period, I watched a lot of people, and learned a lot about different "types."
The most confounding type to me was the somewhat good looking chick who would walk into the bookstore and throw off a major gay vibe right before heading toward the sci-fi/fantasy section of the store.
When this happened, the gay vibe disappeared and she suddenly seemed, if not scruffy-looking, then a little less attractive in some way which I was (and still am) powerless to name.
This is because I suddenly knew two things about her: 1.) she was straight, and 2.) she was weird.
And the straightest, weirdest girls had one standby as far as their go-to reading material: Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern series. The weird, straight girls didn't always like Anime (though a lot of them did), and they weren't all crazy about Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series (though some of them were).
But they always, always bought goddamn Anne McCaffrey.
I was only reminded of these dark moments of my earlier life when I read that they're making a movie - probably a series of movies - from the Pern source material.
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